The “Yellow Tulip” Home Treatment Program for Parkinson’s
Discover our integrative home treatment program that’s both non-invasive and naturally healing of the brain and body.
Traditional Parkinson’s treatments fail to halt or reverse the symptoms or progression of the disease.
So founder Steve Liu used the latest science and innovative techniques to develop a more integrative program of healing. One that could even be combined with traditional treatments like L-DOPA if needed.
The result has been a growing number of clients seeing improvements in symptoms on many levels with our approach, and a multi-disciplinary team dedicated to healing Parkinson’s in innovative ways.
The Yellow Tulip Approach
for Healing Parkinson’s Symptoms and Progression

The Yellow Tulip home treatment program combines a whole body approach with significant scientific discoveries in brain health and improving Parkinson’s symptoms.
At it’s core, this program combines photobiomodulation (light) therapy, rapid leg movement therapy, and gut health for brain health. All done from home and providing online, private calls with our team to support you.
What does that all mean?
We’ll now go through each of those so you know exactly how each one fits into our Yellow Tulip program, and what’s included when you join.
Heal and Calm Targeted Areas of the Brain with the Vielight Neuro Gamma Headset
In studies, specific types of light in the right places of the brain have been PROVEN to calm and improve brain function.
Not only that, but the LED lights used in this headset actually shine through the skull to reach the brain. No invasive surgery needed for this treatment!
This halo of light specifically helps connect the areas of the brain that communicate with each other when you are relaxing – helping anxiety and cognitive function. Contributing directly to healing the brain.
Learn more about the Vielight Headsets
A truly integrative therapy for Parkinson’s, Vielight Headsets deliver a highly beneficial, noninvasive halo of light to help calm and relax the brain, improving cognitive function.
Featuring four LED lights, the headset targets and connects the areas of the brain that communicate with each other when you are relaxing, helping improve anxiety and cognitive function.
Features of the Vielight Neuro Gamma Headset
- FDA and CE safety compliant
- Preset sessions and programs
- Automatic switch-off
- Multipurpose and rechargeable
- A fully-charged controller lasts for approximately 4-5 full sessions
- Dual voltage device – 110V and 220V
- North American plug included
Use once every two days, up to six days per week.

NBC Nightly News Report:
How Patients Are Using Cycling to Slow Down Parkinson’s
Pump Dopamine to the Brain with Assisted Rapid Leg Movement Using the Theracycle 200
Studies show that movement alone does not increase dopamine to the brain that Parkinsons’ patients need so badly. RAPID movement does.
Now here is where the motorized part of the bike comes into play. It creates the rapid leg movement that is shown to pump dopamine into the brain that Parkinson’s patients need so badly.
It ensures you can keep your time and speed where you need it to be to get the full benefits, even when you need a break! Theracycle is specially designed to keep you going.
The Theracycle also moves your arms with your legs, so that is a double benefit for increasing that dopamine. You are producing dopamine for the brain, just like taking the drugs!
Learn more about the Theracycle 200
Designed with the special requirements of people with Parkinson’s disease in mind, the Theracycle 200 enables you to complete a full-body workout – even on a bad day.
Medical-grade physical therapy equipment in your home
With its unique design, the Theracycle 200 works with your body to help you get the exercise you need – both physically and mentally.
Features of the Theracycle 200
- Manufactured in the USA
- Quiet, maintenance-free motor helps you to exercise at a pace that suits you
- Ergonomic seat designed for ultimate comfort that adjusts to fit your height and weight
- Unparalleled safety and stability, thanks to a solid stainless steel frame, adjustable secure pedals, and easy access points
- Easy-to-use control panel, giving you full control of speed and difficulty of your workout
- Emergency shut off button and pull cord for complete safety and security
The Theracycle 200 can accommodate riders up to 300 lbs and those from 5’0″–6’4″.
20″W x 44″L x 57″H – 220 lbs.

Improve Brain Health Naturally Through the “Happy Gut Brain Healing” Program
The research is undeniable – a healthy gut environment is essential for optimal brain function. So much so they call your gut your “second brain”!
This understanding is essential in long term management of Parkinson’s symptoms.
Did you know that there are many ways to improve your gut health that go beyond just dietary changes? We bring a personalized and comprehensive approach to supporting your brain health.
This program guides you every step of the way to a healthy, happy gut that supports a happy, healthy brain!

And Get 3 Private Sessions with Melia Maria
These sessions are designed to help you implement everything in the Yellow Tulip program, customize the “Happy Gut Brain Healing” program to your needs, and support you to be successful!
Personal motivation can quickly wear thin when making any kind of lifestyle change. Find the support that you need and information that you can trust. She’s in your corner.
And additional sessions are available for continued support and coaching.

“Happy Gut Brain Healing” Guidebook
A complete reference for how to implement the “Happy Gut Brain Healing” program from dietary changes to lifestyle enhancements and stress relief. And acts as a jumping off point for your private sessions with Melia Maria.
It will address all areas that help the gut in order to heal the brain. Including the NEURO approach initially developed by Dr. Sherzai:
N – nutrition
E – exercise
U – unwind
R – restore
O – optimize

BONUS: For a Limited Time, Also Get a Private Session with Founder Steve Liu!
Only for a limited time for those who purchase the Yellow Tulip program. Talk to Steve about your personal condition and even get an individualized “treatment design” that you could take to your local acupuncturist.
What Our Clients are Saying About Their Results
“… I witnessed a miracle! According to my wife, she could not recognize herself in the mirror at the start of her treatment. This changed to the point of 75% improvement, and 90% improvement in her happiness.”
– The Husband of a Parkinson’s Patient (anonymity requested)
“Having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and not wanting to take any drugs, I was looking for alternative therapies. I was trying many modalities and was only finding minimal results, I was losing hope, until I found Dr. Steve.
After listening to Dr. Steve’s presentation of his well thought out Parkinson’s program, it showed he was passionate about helping people. His extensive research on the benefit of laser therapy and incorporating it with acupuncture gave me hope again.
After my first treatment, I noticed many improvements. After two months of working with Dr. Steve, and incorporating a plant based diet and exercise, I continue to make progress.
I feel more comfortable, confident, and faster in my walking. My speech is stronger and clearer. A big difference is my sleeping pattern. I went from one hour intervals to now getting up to four to five continuous hours of restful sleep. I am even more interested in being social, active, and l even laugh again. To my family, the biggest difference is that I am more physically present in my body and it shows in my face and eyes.
Dr. Steve is very caring and I am very grateful to have found him and his Parkinson’s program.”
– Annie H., 72-year old
“I came to know Dr. Steve Liu and his staff in February 2018. I was sold on the practice of a vegan diet, exercise, light therapy, massage, and meditation.
I lost twenty pounds in the first three months. I sleep better, walk without a cane, less anxious, depression has improved. I sing and smile more. I hope to live twenty years of quality life which would make me to be one hundred & ten years old.
My neurologist diagnosed me with parkinsonism, gave me a cane and told me to exercise and take pills. Pills do not work for me and others born out by the fact that Pfizer stopped all research and meds for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in January 2018 i.e. Google Pfizer drug company January 2018.
Thank you, Steve, and your staff.
Join the “Yellow Tulip” Program for Parkinson’s
Purchasing this program includes:
The Vielight Neuro Gamma Headset (value of $1,799.00) that provides the light therapy “Halo” for brain healing.
The Theracycle 200 home Rapid Leg Therapy equipment (value of $4,999) for boosting dopamine to the brain.
Complete support for receiving and using the headset and Theracycle in your home.
“Happy Gut Brain Healing” guidebook, a complete reference for implementing the program in your life.
3 private sessions with Educational Consultant Melia Maria to support you in Yellow Tulip and help you implement”Happy Gut Brain Healing” in your life. (value of $650)
LIMITED TIME BONUS: 1 private session with program founder Steve Liu (value of $350)
Get the complete home treatment program, private consults, Theracycle and Vielight for just $7,797
Purchase will be made in 3 daily payments of $2599. If you have any issues making a payment online, please contact our office »
Or Learn More About Our Approach to Healing the Brain.
Get the Exclusive Workshop Recording with Founder Steve Liu:
Frequently Asked Questions
How come I have never heard of the therapies of motorized cycling and light therapy? My doctor never mentioned either of these therapies.
It takes an average of seventeen years for new findings to go from publication to being in the clinic or in the consciousness of doctors. In the last 10 years many research papers on motorized cycling and light therapy have shown positive outcomes in slowing Parkinson’s disease progression. Most doctors focus on the use of existing medications and the new drugs in development. They may not be aware of these two non-invasive alternatives which are safe and have no known adverse side effects.
There are so many diets out there and ways of being told to eat. How do I know that this is the “right” way?
The nutritional portion of the Yellow Tulip package focuses specifically on increasing healthy gut microbiome for improved brain function. This means that we do not promote one kind of diet. Guidance on food choices begins with an understanding of each person’s lifestyle and day to day food choices. Once these preferences are understood, recommendations and guidelines are presented for steps towards an increased level of healthy gut microbiome.
I already have a degenerative brain disease. What can all this do for me now?
Motorized cycling, light therapy, and foods that increase a healthy gut microbiome form a powerful ‘dynamic trio’ of integrative therapy. This trio work together to protect the neurons in the brain that are still healthy and firing. The benefits from these therapies also create a healthy environment for the active brain cells to continue to function at their optimal level – assuring their maintenance and survival for as long as possible. Some cellular repair is also possible through these therapies, as well as a level of protection against future damage.
I see that IBHI has therapies specifically for treating people with PD. I don’t live in Tucson. Could I get even better if I went to Tucson for treatments?
If you have the ability to travel to Tucson, a range of advanced therapies are available that go well beyond the Yellow Tulip at home package. In the clinic Steve uses powerful laser therapy specifically designed for Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Acupuncture therapy is incorporated into the laser treatments based on high level diagnostic tools which measure patients’ energy levels. Additional therapies such as neuro-acupuncture, in-depth nutritional coaching, and movement therapy coaching (such as Tai Chi) are also available.
How can I purchase the Yellow Tulip program?
You can purchase online or contact us to speak with us and pay over the phone.
If you have questions or to purchase, you reach out to us at:
How does shipping work for the Theracycle?
Once we receive the complete payments, you will get a call from our office manager Danette (Yellow Tulip Customer Service Manager too). She’ll acknowledge the receipt of the payments and she will let you know that approximate time when you are likely receive the devices from Theracycle and Vielight.
As delivery nears, Theracycle will contact you to detail exactly when the cycle and assembler will arrive, and to get necessary details for the delivery truck.
After you recieve the Theracycle, you’ll also get the opportunity to set up virtual Zoom appointments with Steve and Melia to answer questions, get further instruction, and guide you into the full Yellow Tulip program.
The shipping and assembly is included in the program registration.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at:
How does shipping work for the Vielight headset?
Once we receive the complete payments, you will get a call from our office manager Danette (Yellow Tulip Customer Service Manager too). She’ll acknowledge the receipt of the payments and she will begin the process to get the Vielight headset to you.
The Vielight will be shipped to you, but you should be present to receive it due to how valuable the device is.
The shipping is included in the program price.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at:
After you recieve the Theracycle, you’ll also get the opportunity to set up virtual Zoom appointments with Steve and Melia to answer questions, get further instruction, and guide you into the full Yellow Tulip program.
What is the refund policy?
Please see our Yellow Tulip refund policy here »